Appointment of new CEO of TeiphSaipa Paint and Resin Industries

By the appointment of the CEO of TeiphSaipa Paint and Resin Industries which is issuedby the CEO of the Saipa Automobile Manufacturing Group, Mr. Jahroudi, dated on12.02.2018, Dr. FariborzZoroufiwas appointed to the CEO of TeiphSaipaPaint and Resin Co.

In the introduction and farewell ofprevious and new TeiphSaipaCEOs, the CEO of Saipa Automobile Manufacturing Groupstated:“financial discipline, reducing production total cost, cost reduction, and clarity are the priorities of the Saipa Group.

Mr.Jahroudi considered the collective wisdom in pursuit of the goals of the Saipa Automobile Manufacturing Group and added“Using the colleagues’ ideas, the collective wisdom in the strategy of the Saipa Automobile Manufacturing Group, creating technical knowledge and high quality product can improveSaipa's position in the domestic competitive markets and also regional markets”. He noted:“Changes will cause growth and development in every organization, and Saipa Group will have a good future in the current situation by relying on its expert.

In the following, CEO of Saipa Paint and Resin Industries,Dr. FariborzZoroufi,thanked Mohammad BagherMohseniand added: “Production is criticalin the TeiphSaipa, according to the great policy of the Saipa Group. I hope that we will be proud ofSaipaGroupamong the rivals and Saipa Automobile Manufacturing Groupbecause of its financial and dynamic discipline”. It is worth noting that Dr. Zoroufiis aPh.D.holder in chemical engineering. He is alsoteaching at the universityand he published 42 ISI papers in paint and resin field.

Dr. Zoroufi’s records: Head of the Board of Directors of theIran Alborz Investment Company, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of BaniyanRefah Iranian, Senior Advisor of Mehrkam Pars Co., IAPAKO & PLASTIRAN, CEO of FanavaranPoushesh Co., Project Manager of Standardization of Iran Khodro Paint Line, Member of the Association Iran Paint and Resin, Member of Iran Surface Coatings.

We will pray for his increasing success in the new post.