Paint Cleaner

Introduction and usage:

TeiphSaipapaint cleaner is one of the finest paint cleaners in the country which playsa critical role in the market of the country. This highly penetrating product is able to soften all kinds of applied paints such as two-component paints, stoving paints, and air-dried paints so that it can be removed from the metal surfaceeasily.


First open the screwdriver and cuffs carefully. Then, rub the paint cleaner by a brush or spatula on the surface. Due to the thickness of the paint, it will be soft after a few minutes and it can be shaved by a spatula from the surface.

Safety tips:

Keep away from children.Avoid to make holes in the can. When opening and using, be sure to use gloves and protective glasses. If itcontacted to the eye, wash it by water immediately. When you apply in closedplace, use ventilator. Keep away itfrom the flame.


Semi-quart: 15 cans per package

Quart: 12 cans per package


Maintain it in an indoor environment which is away from sunlight, moisture, heat, and flammable materials.

The best time for using is up to 24 months after production.